Are synchronicities just really a series of events that are just a set of coincidences? What about serendipities? Dr. Brian Weiss
“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous” Albert Einstein
“The Universe is designed to respond to your deepest, most consistent desires” Azim Jamal, Corporate Sufi
I already know that when you’re in some sort of alignment, when you’re connected to that inner light inside you, magical things happen.
I already know the (yo)Universe works within us, always speaking to us, I receive acknowledgement, signs, coincidences, serendipities & I don’t just believe in something more, something higher, an energy & a frequency – I feel it and experience it.
Yet still, here I am, still processing it all and questioning ‘am I crazy’ or is it all just as simple as coincidental?
Obviously not! It’s just surreal though and I’m overwhelmed.
I don’t speak to you enough, I’m always told to speak to you more, that you are always with me.
How I ended up in that place, is that what they call destiny, fate?
I went to the very place where you took your last steps on this earth. “Baby’s Last Steps”
That’s what I wrote on that text.
I remember on that day, lifting my head up for a brief moment and thinking how beautiful. My baby boys last steps are in a place so beautiful.
The day is a bit blurry and I didn’t even recall the name, the area – not a thing. But I knew that one day I would go back.
I’ve thought about it, imagined it and I just knew I would go back, I just didn’t know how, when or with who.
& then… out of nowhere, 21-12-20
It was my first time to drive down to him, when he gave me an area to meet him in, I swore id never heard of it before and even now I can’t make that recall. 3 hours later and I’m 5 minutes from him, and as it turned out, 5 minutes from the place that I was last with you.
I saw a roundabout and all of a sudden, the strongest wave of emotion just took over me. I pulled over and called my Mum. I asked her if she could remember the name of the crem and where the little one took his last steps.
I told her I think it’s here, where A is, and I saw a roundabout that gave me a flashback to the little one’s funeral day.
I was so overwhelmed, confused. I remember thinking how can you not know or remember the name, the town, the area?
I could feel my body burning, am I about to have a panic attack?
I calmed myself and shifted from fear to love.
All the love I felt from you, for you & it changed my everything in an instant.
I felt guided here, like it was meant to be, meant to happen this way.
I googled the areas crematorium and as soon as I saw the image, I knew I was here.
That this guy – A, that I’ve been getting to know for the past few months. He’s based here, so close to where my little one’s last steps took place…
Happy Xmas Eve Little One! Did you see me today?
Mummy came and lay roses down on your garden bed & sent kisses up to the sky for you.
I’m so grateful that I got to do this.
The thought of you fills my heart with so much love & light, yet simultaneously I’m so aware of that level of pain too.
How strange is that, you can feel the purest highest form of love from an ‘experience’ yet at the same time feel the deepest pain.
I choose to hold on to the love and all the blessings of you instead.
I walked around, breathed in that crisp cold winter air and I sent you my hearts prayer.
I felt happy to see this place, to take it all in. All of the roses and all the flowers. Wow!
How beautiful it is to walk around here, all the colours, the plants and the trees. Even the cute little flower & coffee shop, to the parrots in the trees – just chirping above our heads. & the lake, the lake and the little fishies.
All of nature’s elements reside right there and the finest veil between darkness and light.
In that moment I expressed the highest form of gratitude to be stood right there. I held myself together well, but that’s because of all the love I feel from you and you choose me to be your Mummy. Even if in the physical realm, it was just for a short period.
I wonder what you think of A? I wonder of all of this is a sign.
I don’t know, but I’m so happy he was here with me. Holding my hand as we walked around thinking of you and when the time came to leave, he turned to me and said, ‘you’re a little solider’.
& I am. 100%. & all that I am is thanks to you. I LOVE YOU! Forever close & connected to you.
P.S. You know that girl, who walked past A and me – could you send for her an angel’s kiss please? Offer her a little sense of love & peace, take away some of her hurt and misery.